
Landslides impact people living in mountainous regions around the world. Typically, the regions affected are restricted in geographical area relative to other hazards, such as tsunamis or hurricanes. However, for people living in the path of landslides, the impacts can be costly and/or deadly.

For up to date landslide events and hazards information see the AGU Landslide Blog! It is a super comprehensive resource. This site can help you choose a landslide topic for your case study!


Science Topics and Resources for Landslide Hazards:

Week 1 – Basic science  follow the steps below to learn the basics. Week 1 assignments are given in the Case Study 1 page

1)Watch a brief video about basic soil properties, angle of repose, cohesion, and water-saturation:

2) Read the following information about landslide and avalanche processes and hazards:

3) Watch the following videos about Landslide Hazards

  • USGS Volcano Web Shorts: Volcanic Debris Flows

  • Debris Flows in Colorado:


Week 2: Monitoring and mitigation –  follow the steps below to learn the basics. Week 1 assignments are given in the Case Study 1 page

1) Read the Real-Time Monitoring of Landslides information sheet from the USGS

2) There are no online simulation games that I know of that cover landslide  hazards similarly to Stop Disasters. Navigate to the Case Study 1 page, play Stop Disasters! for another Hazard Topic (about 30 minutes), and then come up with ideas of how you could create a Stop Disasters! module for landslides.


Week 3   and Case Study Report – Assignment is given on the Case Study 1 and 2 pages. For Case Study 2, you are required to provide one additional paragraph comparing and contrasting your two case studies disasters.

GEOS 380