Rubric 02 03 Plate Tectonics and Weather

Units 2 and 3
Plate Tectonics and Weather Basics – Rubric for new resource blog posts

(Approximate point ranges given in parentheses)

Category Unsatisfactory (0-4 pts) Fair (5-6 pts) Good (7-8 pts) Excellent (9-10 pts)
Resource quality
(3 pts)
Not completed
Resource is not scientifically sound
Fair quality: simplistic, level is too low or high. Not completely useful to students Good quality. Level is appropriate. Useful to the other students. Excellent quality, detailed,   appropriate level. Very useful to the other students.
Blog post
(3 pts)
Not completed
poorly written and not of use to the students. Does not include link to resource.
Fair quality. Not well written, but conveys some useful information. Does not include all 3 learning examples. Good quality. Contains link to the resource and includes all 3 learning examples in a basic way. Excellent. Contains link to resource and describes clearly and in detail 3 learning examples.
(4 pts)
Not completed
poorly written and not of use to the students. Does not include 1 additional learning example
Fair quality. Not well written, but conveys some useful information. Incomplete, or does not adequately describe additional learning example. Good quality. Mostly well written. Adequately describes additional learning example. Excellent post. Very well written and detailed overall.
Timeliness 4-7 days late (-20%) 1 to 3 days late (-10%) On time

8 to 14 days late = -30%

Work more than 14 days late without an excuse will not be accepted

GEOS 380