
Wildfires can happen in most places around the world, given the right weather conditions and enough fuel. Watch the videos below for an introduction by example of fires in Alaska and California

Cedar Fire, San Diego, California (You can turn OFF the audio if you want. Its just the exclamations of the guy shooting the footage, which is pretty scary and spectacular!)

Moose Mountain Fire, Fairbanks Alaska

Firenado – Tetlin Fire, Alaska


Science Topics and Resources for Wildfire Hazards:

Week 1: Basic   science – follow the steps below to learn the basics. Week 1 assignments are given in the Case Study 1 page

1) Complete the following MetEd modules: Introduction to Fire Beahvior and Fire Behavior (Intermediate level).

  • Complete all assessment quizzes with those lessons and upload screenshots of your quiz results to Blackboard


Week 2 – Monitoring and mitigation   – follow the steps below to learn the basics. Week 1 assignments are given in the Case Study 1 page

1) Scroll through this interesting course: Wildfire Mitigation and Adaptation. it is focused on Colorado, but the principles should apply elsewhere too.

2) Read the Scientific American article Predicting Wildfires.

3) Fire forecasting resources from the USDA Forest Service

4) Read about the next generation of wildfire prediction research from Pyregence

4) Play Stop Disasters Game: You are in charge of protecting people from wildfire!



Week 3   and Case Study Report – Assignment is given on the Case Study 1 and 2 pages. For Case Study 2, you are required to provide one additional paragraph comparing and contrasting your two case studies disasters.

GEOS 380